
There are a number of options available in case you feel you are not able to cover the costs of travelling and course fees on your own:

a) Approach your home institution: In the past, many universities have supported their doctoral students to participate in the Mainz summer school program. Once registered, we are going to send you a letter of registration which you may use in order to apply for funding. The letter includes reference to the ECTS points awarded to successful participants.

b) Consider combining your participation with a research stay in Germany in 2025 for which a number of scholarship programs are available. Check out the Daad scholarship database.

c) JGU is offering grants of € 400 for exceptional students in order to help covering the costs, if they are otherwise unable to attend. If you feel you may qualify for one of these, please send us your application including:

- a letter applying for the said grant stating your motivation and reason to attend our summer school

- a CV (including results of relevant examinations)

- German language certificates or test results

- English language certificates or test results in case English is not your native language

- any other documents or references you feel might support your application.

All successful applicants are going to receive a letter in early April informing them that a part of the course fee will be paid through these grants.

d) For participants from the global South we offer a limited number of full scholarships which include travel grants, accommodation, fees and a small daily food allowance, if needed. Please contact Professor Küster who is responsible for this program directly, if you have any questions (e.g. about your eligibility): The application process is the same as for c). Please send us your application at any time after your registration, but before the deadline set out below.

By registering for the 2025 summer school, you will profit from regular updates on scholarship and grant options. Registration also guarantees you a place on the summer school for which we have in the past often received more applications than there were places available. We thus strongly recommend to register even if you do not yet have secured the necessary funding.

Please note: The deadline for grant applications (JGU and others, if they become available) is the 31st of December 2024.